
Why Epilog?

There are many reasons why Epilog is the leader among desktop laser systems.
You will not find a machine with more complete training and more detailed operating instructions (over 200 pages!). Our technical support responds immediately to all emerging issues, whether it concerns machine handling or technical advice. It is good to know that there is always someone to advise you, even many years after the purchase of the machine.
These are the machines with the most complete equipment and the most optimal price on the Bulgarian market - plug in and work!

1. Quality Made in USA
All Epilog machines are manufactured in Golden, Colorado. What does this mean? - Each machine is subjected to numerous tests before it passes into the hands of the buyer. In this way, it is certain that the customer receives only the highest possible quality that meets the Epilog standards.
2. Reliable service.
The continuous operation of the equipment is of utmost importance for every business. That's why Epilog is doing the same thing in making both its laser systems and after-sales service. Epilog's technical team is known for instantly addressing all customer inquiries. We hope you do not have to work with them, but if you do, you will be delighted.
3. Detailed engraving.
Perhaps what Epilog is known for is the legendary engraving quality. Epilog's footprint just can not be compared to the others. Look at samples produced by Epilog machines and you will understand why. Depth, contrast, speed and precision of engraving are unsurpassed!
4. Complete equipment.
Buying a product on Epilog, you save thousands of dollars, thanks to the complete set of machines with all the necessary features that are optional for other manufacturers. From the front panel of the machine, through the blower system, the integrated vector grid to the vacuum table - you will not find a better-equipped machine on the market.

5. Low cost
Ensuring fast and quality engraving is just the beginning - Epilog strives to contribute to the highest profits in your business. Besides the competitive price, these are the machines with the longest life and the lowest operating costs in the industry.

6. After-sales support
Ask any laser owner who is the most visited site - the answer is Beginning with the Sample Club, the Technical Library and the latest Drivers (including Apple's computers) to Online Trainings - there is always a reason to go back to free files, ideas, technical articles, and more. Learn more here.
The Epilogue Importer in Bulgaria maintains a telephone line during working hours where each Epilogian owner can get immediate advice on setting up new material or increasing machine productivity. Do not forget - we not only sell Epilogue, we have been working with Epilogue machines since 2003 - there are no secrets for our customers in the field of laser engraving!


All versions of Drivers are always available online (including Mac). You may be notified about the latest versions by email.
Инструкциите за експлоатация са винаги на разположение с над 200 стр. информация и съвети за работа.
Абонирайте се за безплатния месечен Информационен бюлетин, съдържащ различни идеи, технически статии и новини за Епилог.
Вземете вашия безплатен Тримесечен бюлетин, съдържащ проекти на клиенти, трикове и решения за впечатляващи резултати.
Обучения, спонсорирани от Епилог, водени от изтъкнати професионалисти в бранша (само за САЩ).
Достъп до специалния ни Виртуален портал, изпълнен със съвети за бърз старт и лесна работа с новата Ви придобивка.
Стотици файлове в нашия Мострен клуб.
Дори повече. Винаги се стремим да усъвършенстваме нашата подкрепа към клиентите ни. Ако не намирате това, което търсите, обадете се. Ще направим всичко възможно, за да помогнем.
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